Hello to all the non-existent and loyal followers of the blog. My name is Matt, and I have been blissfully1 unemployed for five months. After six years working as a software developer in healthcare software, I called it quits. Since then, I have discovered that not working is decidedly more fun than working. In a somewhat related discovery, I’ve also found that not having an income is not as fun as having one. I thoroughly enjoy not working, but I also enjoy having a disposable income. Quite the catch-22 I have found myself in. The reasonable solution is to find a job, like a normal person. I’ll admit that I’ve started the job search, but I have not yielded any favorable results. In my perfect world, I would build something myself that could generate enough income to give me the financial freedom to do whatever I want. I am fully aware that this dream world is likely unattainable. I’ll continue to job search and submit applications into the ether, but I’m also going to continue working toward some hustle that keeps the dream alive. Enter, this blog.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott
I plan on using this as a place to document my life and experiences through this period of unemployment. This may include, but is not limited to my various side project ventures, budget meal-plan, stock trading strategy (or lack thereof), gym-less workout routine, gambling habits, etc. So pretty much anything goes.
Though no one will probably read this, this will act more as a publicly available personal diary. My fiancee has attempted for years to get me into journaling, so I have to imagine this must count.
1It was truly blissful for about four months. Now each day that passes, I trade a few degrees of bliss for stress.